Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Pippity Pip

I was using the CLustre code recently for analysing some lineaments and it reminded me to update to the latest version of WinPython (which I covered at the AGI). currently at This necessitated reinstalling the libraries needed for CLustre which include numpy, scipy, matplotlib and gdal (which includes ogr). All bar the last are now part of the distribution, so that meant just an install of that.

And that has got a whole lot easier as pip (Python package installer) is now included by default. So just issue this command:

pip install gdal

And if that doesn’t work for some reason (possibly because it has to compile the code), then you can download the pre-compiled binaries from the Unofficial Binaries site (and remember to select either 64 or 32 bit version and the cp27 version if you are running Python 2.x). Then use this command:

pip install GDAL‑1.11.3‑cp27‑none‑win_amd64.whl

Life just gets easier and WinPython is great in that it’s portable.

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