Stonehenge KAPping

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I had a trip to Stonehenge today. A unique experience as normally you are not allowed within 200m of the stones, however certain groups can book to actually wander amongst the stones for a private viewing prior to opening. I was with the Young Archaeologists’ Club and had got permission to fly my kite and camera. Unusually for Salisbury Plain, there was virtually zerp wind which gave me the perfect opportunity to test my new Dopero125 from KAPShop.

For those not in the know, framed kites can fly at lower wind speeds, at steeper angles and gently sail to the ground when the wind drops. All good traits. Never having flown a Dopero before it waas a baptism by fire. Quite simply it was stupendous; the quality from Jones Airfoils was excellent and it was brilliantly stable with very good lift. My rig and camera come in at 1kg and there were no problems here. First results to the right!