BBP University College Fees Set

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mike baker reports on BPP University College setting its undergraduate fees at…. £5,000 per year. That’s a very aggressive price squarely targeted at the public sector. OK, Russell Group universities won’t have their bottom line affected, but see this as the thin end of the wedge. The government wants competition on price, universities played the game and all (pretty much) set the highest fees. How do you break up the closed shop? Bring in commercial operators. Expect the bottom to mid end of the sector to see huge disruption over the next 10 years. Difficult to hazard how this will play out, but more private universities, university mergers and closure are almost certainly going to follow. And expect that £5,000 price tag to be a marker in the sand; price may well fall over the next 5 years which means those going next year are unlucky.