Firefox Resume Download

Friday, August 21, 2015

Firefox has a very effective resume download facility which is useful with big downloads (particularly as Im on 2Mb broadband) - however it consistently failed me when downloading the Windows 10 install ISO last week. I tried downloading it 3 times and on each occasion it failed at around 3Gb which was very frustrating. When I reinitiated the download it started from the beginning….

After the 3rd fail I looked in to whether you can force Firefox to resume a download and indeed you can!! A partial download will have the filename followed by the .part suffix. Move this to a new location then start a new download - this will create a new .part file in your download folder. At this point pause the download, delete the new .part file and replace it with the old .part file, then resume the download in Firefox. It will correctly resume.

Big time saver!