“A Digital Humanities Primer for English Students”

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thinkwhere provide a nice summary of A Digital Humanities Primer for English Students, a guide written by an MA student Jenna Herdman. It’s a series of relatively straightforward tutorials, but pulling together relevant skillsets for the spatial and literary analysis of various texts. It’s both useful and shows how the “digital humanities” (interesting title but that’s a whole new blog post!) are pushing subject boundaries. What I found interesting here was how there was no understanding of the underlying geographic information and the reliance/use of cloud based services. The first is a fairly natural transposition of ideas - not too dissimilar to the way, for example, statistics is used in various subject areas. The latter is perhaps more interesting as it reflects the way the software industry has moved many applications to online services - but it also reflects how younger researchers rely on online applications. QGIS is arguably a significantly better resource for this type of geospatial use, but is probably largely unknown outside of the specialist sector.