Fisheye Panoramas Continued

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Pano1Well it’s been a month since my last blog on creating panoramas from fisheye lenses. I had said I would come back to using Hugin to create panoramas, it’s just taken longer than I thought!

Hugin has a set of tabs across the top for working with the current image. Many of the tabs we don’t need to use because we are not stitching photos together. When loading a fisheye image, much of the lens information is automatically entered straight from the EXIF data. So, in summary, load your image (Assistant tab) and apply the following settings:

Assistant: set “Lens Type” to Circular Fisheye
Images: set Yaw-90, Pitch-90, Roll-0
Camera and Lens: set “Lens Type” to Circular Fisheye and “Degrees of View” to 180
Crop: you need to draw a circular mask around the part of the circular photo (i.e. exclude the black surrounding frame). If you uncheck “Always centre” then you will be able to fine tine the position of the mask
Stitcher: set “Projection” to equirectangular, “Field of View” to 360 (horizontal) and 180 (vertical), select an appropriate image size and make sure the “Stich Engine” is Nona.
Hit the “Stitch Now” Button

The original image (of Carlos!) is above and the unstitched version below. I’ll have some kite shots next week.
