DOS For loop for iterating

Sunday, December 13, 2015

I’m currently working on a pet project doing some timelapse (if you hadn’t guessed!) involved geocoding the photos (and a much longer blog on this process at a later date once it’s complete). However as part of this I needed to iterate over a series of files using the excellent nconvert. DOS batch files let you do this but the syntax (for me at least!) is a little confusing. So, in all it’s glory here’s the solution I rustled up after looking at various websites:

for /f %%a IN (’dir /b *.jpg’) do ..\nconvert -out jpeg -wmflag bottom-right -wmfile overlay\%%~na.png -o final\%%~na.jpg %%~na.jpg

As ever, much useful information can be gleaned by typing

for /?

The /f parses a list of files (denotes by the variable %%a) and this is fed to it by the ‘dir /b *.jpg’ command. In this case a “bare” directory listing of all JPG files. Once that is complete it runs the nconvert command inserting the variable at the %%a locations.

Crucially the statement is then finished with \%%~na.jpg which strips the file*name* from the 3-letter filetype (suffix). This is needed in the nconvert command.

One line of code, 1000 files processed very rapidly! Love it when this stuff works!!